We’re all good at things. Sometimes we’re great at them, and sometimes we aren’t. Sometimes we’re really bad at these things, and sometimes we’re good at them. Sometimes we’re good at doing the things, and sometimes we’re not.
You’d think there’d be a general rule or a checklist for these things, but in reality there’s not. It’s all about your own personal style of “doing” these things.
I think it’s good for us human beings to try to be good at things. And to try to do the things we can be good at. But there are so many things in life that are so much more important than being good at whatever you do.
This is a tricky one, because for many of us, it seems like the more we try to do something, the harder it seems to be to do it. But that is true for a lot of the things we do.
For some it is a case of, “I love it, I love it.” But for some it is more like, “I don’t love it, I can’t do it, and I’m bored with it.” And to try to get as close to doing something as you can, is a major challenge. So it is important to find out what you are good at before trying to do anything else.
I love to write and draw, and so did my dad, and my sister. I love to learn and help others learn. For them it was a big part of their lives, and it has shaped who I am today. For me it was never what I wanted to do, but it is what I keep doing. It’s something I can always do whether I want to do it or not. It’s just what I keep doing and it’s something I love to do.
Nusrmgr is a very rare thing, a professional non-gamer who has chosen to work in a video game industry. My father and brother are both gamers, and my sister is a non-gamer. I was the biggest non-gamer in my family, so I grew up with the knowledge that I was never going to be a pro gamer, and I feel sorry for the people who are.
For a long time, my friend and I kept our gaming lives to ourselves, doing something to make money, which was a hobby. But the longer I remained a non-gamer the more I realized that I wasn’t doing it for the money. I was doing it because I actually liked it.
nusrmgr is an industry blog that discusses the latest and greatest in game industry news. When I started this blog the games industry was a young and vibrant industry, and the blogs that I read were filled with stories about things we all could possibly agree on. But as I got older the games industry became more of a victim of its own success.
The games industry became too big, and too successful, and things just became too complicated and too much for anyone to do. Because in order to become big you need to have a large and well-financed marketing department to push your game and make sure you are making a profit. This can be a very expensive proposition. And it’s hard to take a company that makes, say, 3 games a year and make it profitable on your own.