Running for fat loss is one of the most exciting sports disciplines of the modern day. There are many ways you can run for fat loss. There’s the standard long distance sprints, but there’s also the shorter distance sprints to work out. There’s also the “push it out and try again” style that focuses on short bursts of speed to run the same distance as in the previous sprint.
The short sprints focus more on your speed and endurance, but the long sprints focus on using the speed to gain fat burn. You don’t have to keep the same pace as your opponent, you can keep it up and run over them. As they get closer and closer, you can use the same speed to make them faster, and so long as your legs stay in the same shape, you can end up with the same finish position.
This is a great example of how our brain can be trained to focus more on the present and less on the future because of our subconscious mind’s tendency to remember the past.
In the above example, your legs are staying the same shape that allows you to keep running over an opponent. Your body is also the same shape now that allows you to run over them. Your future is just a tiny bit out of your control and that’s why you’re sprinting for fat loss.
In the same vein, the fact that our subconscious is often trained to focus on the past is also a great example of how our brain can forget the present. We don’t always have control over the future, and we forget to give it a chance to happen. In the above example, the subconscious is focusing on the past because it has forgotten the present.
If youre a fat person, the present becomes less of a problem because youre likely to have a body that is constantly changing. In sprinting for fat loss, your focus is on your future and what kind of body you want. Youre a little like a woman who thinks she has to live a certain way in order to look sexy, so you focus on your shape.
I don’t know about you guys, but I tend to get really obsessed with my legs. I think it’s because my legs are my most visible area of my body, and for some reason I tend to think about them more than my face or chest. And I know that that’s not exactly right, but still, I am so obsessed with my legs that it often seems like they are the only thing I can see.
This is exactly how I feel. I am constantly thinking about my legs, and I am constantly getting lost in my thoughts there. So when I get in the zone, I am usually going to be thinking about something else. I think this is what makes me the most successful when it comes to fitness – not the most athletic, but most successful. My body is not something I have to have to have in order to be successful – it is something I have to love.
I am often asked this question about fitness – why do most people lose weight? The answer is simple. Most people have bodies that are genetically programmed to burn fat. But as time goes on, the more we eat and the more we exercise, our bodies get accustomed to the changes and adapt. In other words, when we are constantly on the treadmill, our body does not have the time to think about our fat loss, which means we have to constantly think about our fitness.
We all know that the hardest thing about being fit is not knowing what you are doing, but still doing it.