It doesn’t. There are all kinds of ways to use food colouring to make your food look really pretty. There are even ways to make food look a certain way with the help of food colouring.
If you think you have that perfect recipe, you may be surprised to learn that a lot of recipes do not hold up under close examination. For example, the recipe for a chocolate bar recipe with a strawberry garnish has some pretty weird ingredients in it, like eggs and sugar.
The ingredients, however, are not weird. In fact, they are quite common, some of which have been used for more than 100 years. All you need is a little basic equipment and some kitchen equipment, and you can make a great chocolate bar.
It seems that when I was a young teenager, everything was just so simple. I just wanted to eat chocolate, drink Coke, and do something good. I didn’t even realize that the ingredients in a chocolate bar were a bunch of eggs and sugar. It’s not that they weren’t there, but I didn’t think they would be so hard to find.