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14 Common Misconceptions About arm workouts with plates

There are hundreds of different ways to workout with a plate. Some people use a barbell, some a dumbbell, some hold their arms out at an angle, some hold them up straight, some lean into them, and some simply use a rolling board. For me, I find that the weight, angle, and motion of the plate are all part of the experience. I like the sound of a rolling board because it’s low impact.

For me, the most enjoyable part of working out with a plate is the feel of the plate. It’s like a combination of a roller board and a Swiss ball. It’s a balance of low impact and high impact and makes for a great workout.

The exercise I like the best is the one where I’m holding the plate out horizontally with my arm outstretched, so that the weight is resting gently on my forearm. It’s kind of like using a Swiss ball. The weight of the plate is much lighter than I would have thought possible, and the rest of my body just slides underneath it. The movement is very easy, and if I do that right, I can get a lot of good results out of it.

It looks like the ball is actually made of plates, but in fact that’s not what it is. The real thing is a large, flat, rectangular plate. If you watch the video at the top of this page, it shows the plate resting on a table. The plate is actually a large, flat and rectangular plate.

The reason why I do this is this: My joints aren’t very flexible. My arms are especially weak. If I put weight on them, they get tired very quickly. I’ll do it just to see if it works, but I don’t just want to be sitting on the table like this. I want to be doing this for a few minutes, so I can be in the best position to do it right.

I know what you’re thinking. You’ve seen the video. The video shows a guy doing this exercise on a table. But what if you’re stuck in the middle of a class and don’t have a table? What if you want to do this with your bare hands? Well, you’d be better off with a plate because it’ll give you a better surface to put your weight on and you can do more reps.

Yeah, right, like that’s going to get any better. But is a plate the only thing that can give you better leverage? I dunno. I mean, I suppose a table could. But I dont think a plate is going to give you better leverage and control the weight the way a plate would. And that doesnt mean it doesnt have advantages. Youll just have to trust me on this one.

I know my plate doesn’t have leverage, but I can attest that I can do more reps with it than with my bare hands. I also know that I could do more reps with a plate than I could with my bare hands, but I can’t. I’d rather use my plate as a training tool than a training tool.

I’ve got a bad feeling about this one. Maybe I should look into a plate.

I know my plate is good for a few reasons. The main one being it helps you to leverage the weight youre trying to lift. But more importantly, you can train your shoulders and upper (and lower) back with it because you can place your upper body on the plate and apply force through the shoulders. So if youre worried about getting a shoulder injury, you can do this.


Wow! I can't believe we finally got to meet in person. You probably remember me from class or an event, and that's why this profile is so interesting - it traces my journey from student-athlete at the University of California Davis into a successful entrepreneur with multiple ventures under her belt by age 25

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