Reptiles are often called “the most dangerous animal on the planet”, so that is a fact. However in our lives, we are more likely to encounter them than any other creatures, and our pets are one of the most useful and precious resources that we have.
But what’s so bad about a reptile? Well, for starters, reptiles tend to live for about 100 years. That means these reptile’s are only going to be around for about a quarter of that span. And they are also highly active. They eat their prey, they shed their skins, they jump, they climb, and they often try to bite and/or sting us if we interfere. That is enough to make them an important and dangerous animal to share with your kids.
It’s a good thing we have a few reptiles in our house. We’re pretty damn careful with the little critters, and my wife also has a few of her own. But I also have a few of my own pets that I love and care for. One of the best things about living with reptiles is that you don’t have to care for them all. I’ve taken reptiles in and out of my house multiple times without ever having to clean up the mess I left behind.
The fact is that some reptiles have an innate need to eat, in the same way that some people have an innate need for sleep. It is usually a lack of sleep and a lack of exercise that lead to a reptile eating. It is also possible that a reptile may have a natural immunity to chemicals. So the more you clean up the mess, the more likely it is that you will encounter an active or dead reptile.
It seems like a lot of people have this weird idea that we have to eat something that is “tolerable” for us. While that’s probably true to some extent, I would argue it is not true for most reptiles. If you have a reptile feeding on you, it’s probably because you are eating the wrong kind of food.
The most commonly eaten animal in the world is not a reptile but a part of a family of reptiles, such as a house gecko or a snake. What if you get bitten by a reptile every day? Then you probably eat a whole bunch of other animals, such as turtles. So a reptile has a really good chance at survival, even if it doesn’t kill you.
The fact is that I would argue it is not true for amphibians. They are really good at hiding, hiding where you want them to be. They use it to get other people to eat them. It might not be true for amphibians, but it is true for reptiles. I think you need to get to the bottom of this. For amphibians, it is actually more of a matter of survival. For reptiles, it is a matter of survival.
When you get right down to it, amphibians are really good at surviving. You know when you go to the park, and you see the alligators in the pools? That will kill you in seconds, no worries. When you go to the beach, you know the alligators are there too, that they will be eating your dinner. That is the way its been for thousands of years, if you want to go all the way back to that time, you can.
A lot of you are probably thinking, “well that is just ridiculous. Alligators don’t eat people.” Well, they can, but they don’t, as it turns out. They eat one another. The one-eyed lizard from the “Deadpool” movies is just a big ugly lizard, but its family is still trying to evolve.
We’re not saying you should eat alligators, we’re saying you should eat reptiles. Because if you eat alligators, you’re not eating much at all.