This is the most popular cat food we sell and it is what we sell to our family and friends too. We know that cats are curious and like to eat different things.
It has a high protein content and a lot of fiber, which makes it tasty for cats. We try to stick to a high quality, organic cat food whenever possible because it’s healthy for the cats and the environment too.
Royal canin is the world’s first fully organic, gluten-free, protein-free cat food. It’s also the only cat food that comes in a box.
Like most cat foods, Royal’s also contains ingredients that are toxic for cats. Our formula is manufactured in Canada and contains no dangerous chemicals, and the food itself is made with real ingredients that are certified as safe for cats. It’s also produced in a clean, sterile environment. Because Royal’s food is 100% organic and non-toxic, there’s no GMO’s, pesticide residues, or genetically modified ingredients. It’s also safe for dogs too.
With the exception of butter, no cats will eat it.
In the UK we have three diets. They all have some of the same ingredients: butter, milk and eggs. They are all a little bit messy, but they all do a great job.
Royal canin is one of the most popular dog food brands out there. In the US however we have two brands: Royal Canin and Canine Proprietors. Royal Canin is a little less expensive than Canine Proprietors, but its a little bit bulkier. Royal Canin is also made with real ingredients which are more likely to be safe for cats.