Here’s a fun workout hack that I like to use. We aren’t the best at self-awareness, but we should at least be aware of our thoughts. I know, I know, I’m boring. But the point is, we should only be aware of our thoughts as they relate to our body.
The problem with not using our own thoughts is that thoughts can be pretty powerful. So let’s run through a couple of exercises that will help you get better at self-awareness.
1. Start by practicing the first exercise, which is “Take your thoughts and words and put them into your body.
And then put them into a physical object. I know, I know, a bit of a strange idea, but it is totally worth it.
There’s a great video on the subject of how to do this below.
I was originally going to talk about using a body, but I’ll go ahead and say that I think it works well in general for the purposes of self-awareness. If you don’t feel like you can do the exercises themselves, I’d recommend simply taking a bit of time to think about what you want to do and then just doing it.
I just thought about the video above and realized I was doing a bit of self-awareness by actually talking about it. I don’t know if this is the correct term for such a thing, but the feeling of being aware you know something important is on the other side of the thought process.
At the moment I dont feel like I have enough control over my own thoughts and actions to be able to think about something like this so this might not be the correct term.
I think what it comes back to is the feeling of self-awareness or meta-cognition. I could be on a vacation in the Dominican Republic and still think about going to the beach with my friends and being aware that I’ve been there before. I could be sitting in England and still think about how many books I read in the last year and how many different movies I have seen. I could be in an office in London and still be aware that I have an office in London.
In core fitness, it’s the same thing. You know that feeling when you’re doing something that’s new, you don’t know how it feels and you don’t know how long you will be doing it. It’s the same feeling you get when you’re about to start a new workout. Or when you’re about to start a new class.