The last month was intense and we had a lot of goals we wanted to achieve. I found myself feeling like I was always falling behind, and I wanted to start making progress towards the goals I had set. It felt like I was pushing too hard too fast. It was a lot of hard work to do, but I knew it was worth it.
I know it’s not just me who’s feeling this way, but I can understand it. I know that feeling too, and I’d like to tell you that it’s okay to feel like you’re doing too much, or that you’re getting too little done. The truth is, we do all have a lot to accomplish.
The truth is that if you want to complete a project, you need to stay committed to it. It’s not good to throw out a project because it’s not getting done. If you don’t have the balls to finish something, don’t get too bent out of shape about it. You’ll be better off taking a break and doing something else. If you don’t care about being on a diet or exercising, you can do that.
As a former foodie and former fitness trainer, I can see how the body transformation can become a major hurdle in the road to getting everything done. I was fortunate enough to have a friend who passed away, and I know that he was in the best shape of his life, physically. He had no body issues, and he was able to fully enjoy all the benefits of fitness and nutrition. It was just that his body was all wrong.
So it seems that we humans are not the only ones who can become wrong. Maybe it’s because we only have a limited time on this planet, but for most of us, our bodies are pretty stubborn. We can take a lot of effort to get to a certain height, but our bodies will simply stop moving once we reach that height. For the majority of us, this is a major hurdle to overcome.
It’s not just that we are wrong about our bodies, but that our minds are wrong, too. We are constantly thinking about how our bodies look, how they fit, and what’s wrong with them. We’re constantly thinking about how we would look if we changed, and how others would look, and how we would look if we ate differently.
This is the problem with a lot of workout programs. They give us a set amount of exercise we want to do, and then expect us to work out a new way. They tell us to never do this, that this, and that, and so on. The problem is that we’re doing this way too many times. We’re not doing the right way for our bodies, we’re doing the wrong way for our minds.
This is a big problem with the “5-week body transformation” workouts. They give a lot of people the idea that they can change a lot in just one week. That may be true for getting in shape, but that doesn’t work when trying to change your body into something better.
People who try the 5-week body transformation workouts often end up taking on too much of a “workout” mentality. They start to think that they have to change what they eat, what they drink, what they wear, what they sleep, and so on. They forget that they are doing it to improve their lives, not to “look good”.
I agree with the 5-week body transformation. If you want to be a better person, you can’t just change one thing at a time. You have to take a multi-faceted approach, and the 5-week lifestyle can be a great way to start. I love this idea because I think it creates a sense of accountability. You can’t just focus on one thing, you have to focus on a lot of things.